About Us

Our Story

During my early years of full-time ministry, I’d often think about the tension of delivering relevant truth in the urban context. Blueprint Church was founded to create a model that seeks to solve this tension by creating a church that is both culturally relevant and biblically sound in the urban context.


I have witnessed first-hand the power of contextualization and how God can take a man’s heart of stone and mold it into a heart devoted to Him—I truly believe that the apologetic of our day is authenticity. I also believe Atlanta, and other urban cities across the nation, are full of men and women who are eager to know God in a way that makes sense to them. God placed on my heart not just to start a church in an area where it is needed, but to create a movement.

We wanted to start a church that is known for its example, the blueprint that it creates; a church that provides a model for starting other healthy, culturally relevant, biblically sound churches. By rebuilding discipleship into the local church, we believe that we can be a church in the city, which looks like the city and is for the city.

We started in July 2009 with 25 other individuals who shared the same vision and desire to see lives changed in the city. We moved from Denton, TX to Atlanta, GA to create a movement that can change the world for Jesus.

Over the years, we’ve had a few different iterations. Rebuild Roundtables. BLVD Church Planting Cohorts. Be the Blueprint resources. Where Life Exists videos. Known 360 Retreats. Blogs. Videos. Websites. Conferences. Cohorts. Classes. Podcasts. You name it. We’ve done it.

Through it all, our heartbeat has been the same: let’s be the last generation to leave the urban context in search of sound discipleship. And now, our team has the ability to focus solely on the work that will best lead us toward that goal.

MyBLVD Family was birthed out of the desire to create a place where a diverse group of people can call home. A place by us and for us. A place where we can be free to be present instead of feeling the need to perform. A place where we can galvanize resources. A place where people can belong and matter. A place where you can be equipped with the practitioner-driven resources needed to make disciples in your city.

And we’re excited to invite you to join the movement by becoming one of the first 40 missionaries to join the MyBLVD Family! Join us as we cultivate community through contextualized resources. We believe that if every Christian takes responsibility locally, we can make an impact globally! Join this community of urban practitioners embracing our role in God’s story, leading with passion, navigating division, and declaring, “This is my boulevard!”